Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Anti-Centerpiece

I've finally started doing some holiday decorating.

Since we're hosting many of Danny's family, I want it to look nice and festive, but don't want a big centerpiece on the dining table to block the view and hinder the passing of food.

Instead, I did this:

Simple, and it looks nice, though the picture doesn't really do it justice. I simply tied ribbon to ornaments, and hung them from the ceiling (using thumbtacks) at varying heights over the dining table. The biggest problem was avoiding bumping into them as I hung the rest, as I'd put glitter glue on the white bulbs, and they were still wet.

Also, as Danny pointed out, I miraculously avoided falling off the table. So it qualifies as a success! We're putting the tree up this weekend, and here's hoping I won't fall off the ladder or knock over the tree as I'm putting on lights. Yes, I am klutziness personified.

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